Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 13 and 14 of Shred

I worked out on Friday but didn't get a chance to write about it because I had to go to dinner with a student and meet his whole family, which was PRECIOUS. I even volunteered to babysit. I KNOW! Me?! But whatever, they were adorable and I really adore my student. On Saturday I did some curls and pulls for my triceps and a few crunches for my flabby abs. On Sunday I did the same...but a little lazier. Today I did shred again. I have switched from level 1 of shred to level 3. I need a break from level 1 and for some weird reason, level 2 is a bit too intense for me. I like level 3 because it seems he easiest of all of them, but after my body feels really sore and worked out. Maybe because level 3 is working out different muscles or maybe because the bits that are a bit too tough for me I am modifying for my level of exercise experience, I'm not sure. BUT!!! My goal this week is to work out every day and push myself super hard. On the 8th of March is an event that I would like to wear a dress too. And any of you who know me know I don't wear dresses...ever...pretty much. So for me to want to wear a dress is bizarre. I have the dress in mind and the shoes...Oh! The shoes! They are sooo hot. I want to be that hot. Ugg. I really should be at day 28 of shred, not 14. Fuck my laziness.

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