Saturday, February 5, 2011

Den Čtvrtý

Woke up this morning in...not the best mood. First thing I do with my bad mood is get on my work out clothes and hit the mat for some shredding. Day four completed by 11am and the pain is subsiding. I still think squats and lunges are the most evil exercises ever, but I like to pretend I can feel some kind of a difference in my body. I definitely feel like I have more energy and overall I feel happier knowing I am doing something positive for myself that really is just for myself and no one else. Now I need a shower and to get ready for the day. Slight problem though, why does all czech food have to be soo unbelievably fattening and really unhealthy. What's on the menu for lunch today at the boy's parents house you ask? Duck soaking in butter and its own fat with sugared cabbage and bread dumplings. Healthy right?!

Also, juice is delicious.

"You can do it!" - The Waterboy

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