Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Accountability; Day One

Hello Blogger.

So the whole point of this blog is to give me something to be accountable to. Since I have moved to Prague and more realistically, since I got into a relationship, I've become UNBELIEVABLY lazy. And then I got fat. Not like Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor with the fat suit fat, but fat in a way that doesn't flatter my 5'0 frame. I've gained 4.5 kilos, which doesn't sound like anything to people who weigh themselves using the pound, but thats 10 pounds people! On top of that, I was already 5 pounds overweight when I got here. I NEED to lose 7 kilos (ideally) and I need to lose it as soon as possible. No more bullshit excuses. No more putting off until tomorrow what I NEED to do today. I look like a bubble of crap. Worst of all, I think my boyfriend thinks I look like a bubble of crap too.

So I have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It's my first objective. 30 days. 30 minutes a day. No excuses. I've used this program before and it was tough as nails but really effective until I got sick and couldn't work out for 3 months. I know when I work out I feel great, it's just the getting off my ass and starting the process that is so hard. Hence this blog. Anyway, today is day 1. Tomorrow I will post pictures of how I look now so that I have a record of any change that happens to my body. I will also try to get a measuring tape to see what my measurements are at the beginning of the 30 days...pretty much for the same reason of documenting any changes.

Goal number 2 is gonna be P90X. But that is for next month.

"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction." - Anne Frank

1 comment:

  1. Definitely take measurements and pictures, that is where you see a big difference. The number on the scale can be misleading when you are gaining muscle and losing fat.
