Thursday, February 3, 2011

Druhý Den (Day Two)

So I worked out again today. Go me. I didn't wake up in pain but moving around at work definitely brought on cramps in my stomach, thighs, shoulder blades and arms. But I was determined not to let the pain distract me from my goal of not being a fat and lazy blob of waste and I persevered. I'm sweaty and my lungs feel like they are in a corset. Maybe it really is time to put that nasty smoking habit behind me.

I also took shitty shitty pictures of myself (looking like shit, forgive the hair and facial expressions), which I will include for you, my two very lovely and supportive friends. I am in my sports bra and undies because I don't want to hide behind the lie of baggy work out clothes. Seeing how my body looks now I am just so disgusted with how little I took care of my it over the last six months, let alone twenty years. It's really frustrating but also really good motivation. I haven't found a measuring tape yet, but I will.

Tomorrow is a whole new day and another step towards a whole new me.

"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional and mental states."- Carol Welch

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