Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 8 and 9 with some pause; Day 10 too

So I know I haven't been updating and this is going to be a quick update because I need to start to work out in about 15 minutes. Last post was on Thursday when I did shred. I spent Friday lifting weights to work the muscles I felt like were getting neglected (triceps). Saturday I did day 8 of shred. Sunday was the first day I was completely COMPLETELY lazy. Shame on me. Monday I did shred for day 9. Yesterday I took off AGAIN. I don't know why I did it. Maybe the bf and I were getting along. Maybe I just wanted to watch movies after a 9 hour work day. But I was LAZY and that shit is NOT acceptable. I can forgive myself for Sunday because I really had done quite a bit of physical exercise everyday until then, but yesterday, I really should have bit the bullet and did the shred. So I'm gonna do day 10 today. Cramps and all. Ugg.

30 minutes later. Workout completed.

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