Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sedm Den and Then Some

I didn't do 30 Day Shred yesterday, but I did work out in my own personal and private way. I can honestly say that my legs and abs were incredibly sore this morning and all throughout the day ;). I did do shred today though. I am counting it as day seven of my workout, but honestly, I feel like I've gotten some good exercise every single day since I started this blog...even if not everyday is in the most conventional way (ie yesterday). I've also started walking up the escalators instead of standing idle...most of the time. Some of the escalators here are insane. In reality, the longest escalator in the European Union is here...I don't walk up that one...yet. I'm also trying really hard to eat better and drink at least two litres of water a day. The boyfriend says he sees a bit of change in my upper abs. I don't know if it is true or if he is just saying that to make me feel good and keep me motivated. Either way, I'm another day closer to not being a fat, lazy slob of a person.

"Laziness will cause you pain." - Seen on a t-shirt for a self-defense school

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