Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 15 and 16 of Shred

So I thought I would shake things up on Tuesday and hit the gym for a spin class. BAD IDEA. Do you have any idea how awful and uncomfortable those bike seats are??? After what felt like hours but in reality was 15 minutes my vagina felt exploded. It wasn't my legs or arm that killed, just my vag from all the up/down and the ....spinning. It was HORRIBLE. After 15 minutes I called it quits and just went into the main gym and worked out for another 45 doing cardio and weight training. I took Wednesday and Thursday off on account  of the broken vagina. I did do shred again yesterday and this morning. Level 3 with some slight modifications so that I could breathe through the whole 25 minute workout. Feeling pretty good. Seeing a lil bit of change in my upper abs and my waist area....Most likely from the shadow boxing with weights. Also, The Kleptones are the best work out music ever!

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