Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 15 and 16 of Shred

So I thought I would shake things up on Tuesday and hit the gym for a spin class. BAD IDEA. Do you have any idea how awful and uncomfortable those bike seats are??? After what felt like hours but in reality was 15 minutes my vagina felt exploded. It wasn't my legs or arm that killed, just my vag from all the up/down and the ....spinning. It was HORRIBLE. After 15 minutes I called it quits and just went into the main gym and worked out for another 45 doing cardio and weight training. I took Wednesday and Thursday off on account  of the broken vagina. I did do shred again yesterday and this morning. Level 3 with some slight modifications so that I could breathe through the whole 25 minute workout. Feeling pretty good. Seeing a lil bit of change in my upper abs and my waist area....Most likely from the shadow boxing with weights. Also, The Kleptones are the best work out music ever!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 13 and 14 of Shred

I worked out on Friday but didn't get a chance to write about it because I had to go to dinner with a student and meet his whole family, which was PRECIOUS. I even volunteered to babysit. I KNOW! Me?! But whatever, they were adorable and I really adore my student. On Saturday I did some curls and pulls for my triceps and a few crunches for my flabby abs. On Sunday I did the same...but a little lazier. Today I did shred again. I have switched from level 1 of shred to level 3. I need a break from level 1 and for some weird reason, level 2 is a bit too intense for me. I like level 3 because it seems he easiest of all of them, but after my body feels really sore and worked out. Maybe because level 3 is working out different muscles or maybe because the bits that are a bit too tough for me I am modifying for my level of exercise experience, I'm not sure. BUT!!! My goal this week is to work out every day and push myself super hard. On the 8th of March is an event that I would like to wear a dress too. And any of you who know me know I don't wear dresses...ever...pretty much. So for me to want to wear a dress is bizarre. I have the dress in mind and the shoes...Oh! The shoes! They are sooo hot. I want to be that hot. Ugg. I really should be at day 28 of shred, not 14. Fuck my laziness.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 12 of Shred

Man, I was hungover on Saturday. Opted to see True Grit (really adorable western?) and drink some spritzers with a friend instead of work out. On Sunday I lifted weights targeted towards my triceps, also known as elephant trunks. On Monday I lifted weights again. On Tuesday I focused on abs. Today, with a little encouragement from my friend, I did some Shred. I realize that when I don't Shred I feel a bit guilty, like I'm cheating myself. I'm glad I've been lifting the weights though and not completely slacking off. When I say weights, my hand weights weigh like 5 pounds each. They are kind of sissy. Oh well. Crossed fingers for day 13 to be tomorrow.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day Eleven (of Shred)

I seem to be doing my work outs on an "every other day" pattern. I'm not 100% pleased with it, however, I'm not 100% disappointed either. Before I started this blog, I had not worked out in six months. The fact that I am working out with any kind of consistency pleases me greatly. I have also started to lift weights during my lounge time. That way, I am putting some productivity into my laziness. Anyway, I will do my best to work out again tomorrow. I think it will happen. But for now...steamed broccoli with cheese and a cocktail later.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 8 and 9 with some pause; Day 10 too

So I know I haven't been updating and this is going to be a quick update because I need to start to work out in about 15 minutes. Last post was on Thursday when I did shred. I spent Friday lifting weights to work the muscles I felt like were getting neglected (triceps). Saturday I did day 8 of shred. Sunday was the first day I was completely COMPLETELY lazy. Shame on me. Monday I did shred for day 9. Yesterday I took off AGAIN. I don't know why I did it. Maybe the bf and I were getting along. Maybe I just wanted to watch movies after a 9 hour work day. But I was LAZY and that shit is NOT acceptable. I can forgive myself for Sunday because I really had done quite a bit of physical exercise everyday until then, but yesterday, I really should have bit the bullet and did the shred. So I'm gonna do day 10 today. Cramps and all. Ugg.

30 minutes later. Workout completed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sedm Den and Then Some

I didn't do 30 Day Shred yesterday, but I did work out in my own personal and private way. I can honestly say that my legs and abs were incredibly sore this morning and all throughout the day ;). I did do shred today though. I am counting it as day seven of my workout, but honestly, I feel like I've gotten some good exercise every single day since I started this blog...even if not everyday is in the most conventional way (ie yesterday). I've also started walking up the escalators instead of standing idle...most of the time. Some of the escalators here are insane. In reality, the longest escalator in the European Union is here...I don't walk up that one...yet. I'm also trying really hard to eat better and drink at least two litres of water a day. The boyfriend says he sees a bit of change in my upper abs. I don't know if it is true or if he is just saying that to make me feel good and keep me motivated. Either way, I'm another day closer to not being a fat, lazy slob of a person.

"Laziness will cause you pain." - Seen on a t-shirt for a self-defense school

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Den Šestý

I'm not doing an hour today like I said. I feel like I have shin splints and I have a huge cramp in my side. Time to chug a bunch of water and chow down on a protein snack of almonds. Wow! I smell foul. It's also time for a shower. Maybe I'll do yoga later when I get home from work. It is possible, I suppose. On a side note, I didn't feel so winded by the work out today. Maybe my muscle memory is waking up.

"Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for." - Marian Wright Edelman